
We can allow satellites, planets, suns, universe, nay whole systems of
universes, to be governed by laws, but the smallest insect, we wish to be created at once by special act.
– Charles Darwin
It is an audio stream of satellites (recorded between 21. – 25. September 24/7- speeded up) which are crossing German territory as well as Ukrainian territory. It is a sonification of those ones which are crossing on their route German Territory and at the same time Ukrainian territory. So satellites on their route from Germany to Ukraine or satellites on the route from Ukraine to Germany. In the end it makes us more and more aware that we all share the same sky.
‘Free Space and common good?’
Starlink is a satellite system which spreads around the world and builds a huge network/ swarm in our orbit to connect the world virtually. Until 2027 SpaceX wants to place 11.927 satellites into our orbit (and they additionally applied for 30.000 further satellites).
If we take the number of 11.927 satellites until 2027 – it means they want to shoot 4,7 satellites a day into the orbit. Of course they will be transferred into the atmosphere in collective flights. In their first stage of expansion, up to 1.584 satellites are planned to be at a height of 550 kilometers, in which 22 satellites are distributed over 72 orbital levels with 53 degrees inclination. In the second step, up to 2.825 further copies will follow at 540–570 km. In the third step SpaceX would like to transport up to 7.518 satellites in polar orbits at an altitude of 340 kilometres. Applications for 30.000 additional satellites refer to stations from 328 to 580 kilometres.
In the end it is a very complex system above our heads. We are connected by them via internet. And for sure this technology provides some options and potential we don’t even know yet. But there is nothing we can do about it – they are in our orbit and we don’t have any control over their data collection from us. The orbit is a little bit similar to the arctic – it is a „free“ space which is not owned by a country and no one can make a claim. So it is less complex to make those spaces to its „own“ and in this case a commercial company is creating this network of satellites in a „free“ space.
– Charles Darwin
It is an audio stream of satellites (recorded between 21. – 25. September 24/7- speeded up) which are crossing German territory as well as Ukrainian territory. It is a sonification of those ones which are crossing on their route German Territory and at the same time Ukrainian territory. So satellites on their route from Germany to Ukraine or satellites on the route from Ukraine to Germany. In the end it makes us more and more aware that we all share the same sky.
‘Free Space and common good?’
Starlink is a satellite system which spreads around the world and builds a huge network/ swarm in our orbit to connect the world virtually. Until 2027 SpaceX wants to place 11.927 satellites into our orbit (and they additionally applied for 30.000 further satellites).
If we take the number of 11.927 satellites until 2027 – it means they want to shoot 4,7 satellites a day into the orbit. Of course they will be transferred into the atmosphere in collective flights. In their first stage of expansion, up to 1.584 satellites are planned to be at a height of 550 kilometers, in which 22 satellites are distributed over 72 orbital levels with 53 degrees inclination. In the second step, up to 2.825 further copies will follow at 540–570 km. In the third step SpaceX would like to transport up to 7.518 satellites in polar orbits at an altitude of 340 kilometres. Applications for 30.000 additional satellites refer to stations from 328 to 580 kilometres.
In the end it is a very complex system above our heads. We are connected by them via internet. And for sure this technology provides some options and potential we don’t even know yet. But there is nothing we can do about it – they are in our orbit and we don’t have any control over their data collection from us. The orbit is a little bit similar to the arctic – it is a „free“ space which is not owned by a country and no one can make a claim. So it is less complex to make those spaces to its „own“ and in this case a commercial company is creating this network of satellites in a „free“ space.